Impressive Food Companies Pushing the Boundaries of Food Tech
Which global companies are pushing the food industry forward, and how?

In this day and age, it’s safe to say that food is ever-evolving as food companies continue to push boundaries. Now that people understand their food so much more, there’s a race to create new technologies that cater to a smarter audience who demand more from each bite. Here are some companies we feel are challenging conventions and changing the way we look at food.
1. Beyond Meat
Beyond Meat is changing the way vegetarian food is seen in the eyes of the public. They create products that look, cook and taste very similar to meat without GMO or soy in their ingredient list. The primary ingredient they use is pea protein. Given how good and realistic their products are, people who are on the fence about switching to a vegetarian diet can enjoy the benefits of an environmentally friendlier, more ethical meal, without giving up their delicious, meaty cravings. Don’t believe us that this stuff is really good? How about taking a look at some of Beyond Meat’s [1]“serious investors such as Leo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson.”
2. Meat the Future
We know, we just did an entry on a meat substitute, but this is totally different. Meat the Future is one of a few companies that are looking at [2]“commercializing a tissue-engineering technology to create steak from bovine cells in a bioreactor.” What this means is that instead of having to kill a living cow for its meat, scientists will be able to grow meat in a lab from cells and use that meat as an ethical and environmentally-friendly way to put meat on the world’s tables.
3. Inspecto
Inspecto has created a way for producers and consumers to determine whether there are pesticide residues in their food products. Given the negative health effects that pesticides can have on humans as a result of ingestion, this technology could literally be a life-saver. Currently, Inspecto has a portable scanner and an app to help with detection. To show just how serious this invention is, Inspecto [3]“was judged one of two winners of the recent UN Economic Commission for Europe Ideas4Change Sustainable Development Goal Award.”
4. Copia
This company focuses not on the food itself, but rather on food waste. We all feel guilty throwing away perfectly-good food, but large corporations throw away food on a massive scale. Copia helps companies track their food waste, but also get them in touch with organizations that can actually use that food, [4]“typically non-profits, in need of all that unused food.” This is a great example of how software can be used to make a great impact on food redistribution and reduce food waste.
5. Aspire
Bugs. Yep, Aspire are a company that are working on making bugs the food of the future. They have started their own automated cricket farm, are acquiring other companies in the bug industry and they even run an e-commerce website dealing in-you guessed it-bugs. While there’s still a negative stigma about consuming bugs in the West, celebs like Angelina Jolie are making the practice more accessible and accepted. Given that [5]“this $1.2 billion market [is going] to increase over time,” there’s no riper opportunity than now to get in on the bug hype.