Every queue ticket printed from the Queue Kiosk comes with a scannable QR code. Customers can use their mobile devices to scan this code and know their queue status remotely, making it an efficient system for managing a number queue. With a less-crowded frontage, you won’t scare off new potential customers.
Queue Kiosk
Keep the Queue Moving So Your Revenue Doesn’t Grind to a Halt
While a long queue outside your restaurant might signal booming business, it could also appear disorganized and deter new customers from visiting. Using an iPad or Andriod Queue Kiosk as part of a queue management system, restaurants in Malaysia can efficiently manage wait times and ensure every table is quickly filled, keeping operations smooth and customers happy!

How a Queue Kiosk Can Help Your Manage Long Queues
The Same Great Features in a Form Factor You’ll Love
iPad Queue Kiosk
With an iPad Queue Kiosk, no matter if you’re a small mom & pop shop with minimal space, or a multi-floor restaurant, you can keep control of your queues as compactly as possible without sacrificing floorspace in the process. Even if you decide to renovate, you can add, remove or upgrade hardware like stands and ticket printers so your iPad Queue Kiosk easily fits in with your new look!

Redefine the Queue by Digitizing It

Get Rid of Poor Staff-Customer Communication
Let your customers collect their queue tickets in a matter of seconds from your Queue Kiosk. You won’t need to hire staff to manually write down queue numbers and yell them out anymore since the system will accurately keep track of everything for you. For extra clarity, utilize a Queue Display to clearly show which numbers are being called so your customers are always in the loop!

Customized Queue Ticket Party Size
Not every restaurant has the same table layout. This means that you allocate seating based on your restaurant’s table size. By using a queue app, your restaurant can assign tickets based on the size of the customer's party, such as tables for two, four or larger groups. This helps your staff know exactly which table to prepare, ensuring a smooth and efficient seating process every time.

No More Ticket to Table Confusion
Knowing what table to assign to which waiting customers can be tricky for your staff. With a queue system designed for F&B, your team can easily view table statuses directly on your Eats365 POS software and call the correct queue number accordingly. With a full picture, not only will turnover be faster, but your customers will always arrive at a clean, ready table that’s the right size for their party.
Queue Kiosk Features Overview
Self-Service Queue Ticket Collection

QR Code Remote Queue Tracking

Fully-Connected with Other Eats365 Modules

Clear Interface to Minimize Errors

Self-Service Queue Ticket Collection
QR Code Remote Queue Tracking
Fully-Connected with Other Eats365 Modules
Clear Interface to Minimize Errors
Queue Kiosk is Perfect for these Restaurant Types
Queue Kiosk is Part of the Following Solution
Learn More about How the Queue Kiosk Can Help Your Restaurant Manage Queues

5 Awesome Benefits of Restaurant Queue Management

What is Eats365’s Queue Ticket Kiosk and How Can It Benefit Your Restaurant Business?