解決方案聯盟夥伴 (Solution Alliances)

OpenRice《開飯喇!》 為亞洲最具規模的餐廳指南及食記分享平台。Eats365系統與 OpenRice《開飯喇!》平台深度整合,為美食愛好者帶來更多方便。與Eats365整合後,餐廳可以接觸到OpenRice App 廣大的吃貨用戶,並直接提供方便的線上點餐、線上訂位、線上排隊等服務。

技術夥伴 (Solution Partners)

361 Degree Consultancy is Singapore's leading provider of accounting software services & business advisory solutions for SMEs.

AirPurchase assists the food and beverage industry in a faster digitalization, providing a seamless transition into the new era, allowing management and operations to be conducted in a more modern manner.

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Smart Point of Sale (POS) System Vendor Singapore. Grants supported. Free solution demo. Best tech support. Retail, F&B. Integrated Loyalty, Center Kitchen Management, Inventory management, and XERO. EISOL is your trusted POS integrator.

One Tick Service HK Ltd 專注於協助餐飲企業實現數碼轉型,提供從餐飲解決方案諮詢到維護服務的一站式解決方案。

Since its inception in Singapore in 2006, Z-Tech (F.K.A. E-Tech IT Solution Pte Ltd), has become the leading supplier of IBM Retail Store Solutions (RSS) products. With years of experience in providing hardware integration knowhow and retail solutions consultation, Z-Tech has earned a substantial reputation among a wide range of solution providers and system integrators as the main choice for partnership in providing a total solution to the retail market.

經銷商和通路夥伴 (Resellers and Channel Partners)

361 Degree Consultancy is Singapore's leading provider of accounting software services & business advisory solutions for SMEs.

AirPurchase assists the food and beverage industry in a faster digitalization, providing a seamless transition into the new era, allowing management and operations to be conducted in a more modern manner.

Buy point of sale system in singapore and buy cash register in singapore. Point of sales,Cash Register,POS Solution,POS terminal,Touch screen,POS Printer,POS Thermal Printer,POS system,System,Cash Machine,The best pos systems.

Bottle Technology Limited 秉持「專注專業」的商業理念,為澳門企業、組織和市民提供多元化且高品質的IT服務和解決方案。

Code4Biz offers unparalleled, hands-on assistance for all your daily business operations, ensuring seamless support to drive your success.

Smart Point of Sale (POS) System Vendor Singapore. Grants supported. Free solution demo. Best tech support. Retail, F&B. Integrated Loyalty, Center Kitchen Management, Inventory management, and XERO. EISOL is your trusted POS integrator.

Empower SME with Blockchain Academy, Green Web3 Solutions & dAPP Development





One Tick Service HK Ltd 專注於協助餐飲企業實現數碼轉型,提供從餐飲解決方案諮詢到維護服務的一站式解決方案。

POS Connections provides retailers, restaurateurs and cafe owners a customised Point of Sale Solutions for over 18 years. Based in Auckland, we keep your operation running 24x7 with a solution and great service backup.

Reform Marketing Solutions Limited 提供 IT 營銷解決方案,專注於使用 Omni Channel 與營銷策略和數據分析產生高質的潛在客戶。

Satetech Systems Limited 提供中小企業全面多元的解決方案,協助中小企業提升競爭力並創造更高價值。

So Nice Technology 致力為香港中小企提供全面可靠的 IT支援服務。

Think Technology 是一家企業資訊技術解決方案供應商,擁有超過 27 年的經驗,總部位於香港,並在亞洲地區擁有強大的影響力。Think Technology 積極參與為銀行、物業管理和零售行業定制服務方案,並擁有跨地區的多元化產品組合,包括企業IT解決方案、軟硬件採購和維護等。

VR Limited 協助餐飲企業數碼轉型,提供由餐飲解決方案諮詢以至保養等一站式服務。