Queue Display

Display Called Numbers and Making Queues Move Faster


While a long queue outside your restaurant may indicate that you’re super popular, it’s ultimately bad for business if your queues are moving slowly because of inefficiencies and poor communication. The right queue display paired with a Queue Kiosk will ensure waiting customers show up immediately when their number is called, speeding up the overall queueing process.  

Eats365 Queue Display
Eats365 Queue Display

How Can a Queue Display Can Help You Speed Up Queueing?

Eats365 Queue Display guaranteed to get the customer’s attention

Guaranteed to Grab the Customer’s Attention

No matter if you’re in a quiet neighbourhood or a bustling mall, if you need to get your customers’ attention, you can do so easily. With bold visuals on display to show which number is being called, there’s no chance your customers will miss their number when it’s announced, especially if you use a Queue Kiosk to add audio cues!

Turn the Waiting Process into a Selling Process

Turn the Waiting Process into a Selling Process

Customers waiting in a queue are undoubtedly hungry. Why add boredom to that list, too? Transform your Queue Display into an advertising medium by displaying enticing images of new items, great deals, and mouth-watering combos alongside called numbers. Your customers may actually make a decision in line of what they want to eat, which will even speed up the ordering process once they’re seated!

Eats365 connect the tech, customers and staff

Connect Your Tech, Customers and Staff

Pair your Queue Display with modules like the Queue Kiosk and Eats365 POS to create a connected system that automates the sharing of relevant data between your staff and your customers. Your Queue Kiosk instantly lets your staff know when a customer is waiting for a table and what their queue number is, right on their POS. When a suitable table is available, your staff can use a POS to instantly share to the Queue Kiosk and Queue Display that the waiting customer is ready to be seated. This fluid queue number calling system makes staff-customer communication simple! 

Queue Display Features Overview

Real-time Queue Number Updates

blue tick
blue tick When your staff indicates a table is ready on the POS, it shows up on the Queue Display immediately
blue tick
blue tick Multiple called numbers can be displayed at the same time as they’re ready for seating
blue tick
blue tick Immediate or specifically-timed removal of numbers from the Queue Display once they’re called
blue tick
blue tick Connected to the POS via cloud for real-time updates as tables are ready
Eats365 Real-time Queue Updates

Clarity is Key

blue tick
blue tick Clear visual representation of each queue ticket number that’s ready to be seated
blue tick
blue tick Set different types of numbers for different sized groups (e.g 1-2 people, 3-6 people , 7+ people)
Eats365 queue display

Customized to Your Needs

blue tick
blue tick Works on displays of all sizes, so you can pick the one that is best for you
blue tick
blue tick Pick your font size
blue tick
blue tick Add advertising so that customers will order items you’re promoting
Eats365 customizable queue display

Real-time Queue Number Updates

tick icon When your staff indicates a table is ready on the POS, it shows up on the Queue Display immediately
tick icon Multiple called numbers can be displayed at the same time as they’re ready for seating
tick icon Immediate or specifically-timed removal of numbers from the Queue Display once they’re called
tick icon Connected to the POS via cloud for real-time updates as tables are ready

Clarity is Key

tick icon Clear visual representation of each queue ticket number that’s ready to be seated
tick icon Set different types of numbers for different sized groups (e.g 1-2 people, 3-6 people , 7+ people)

Customized to Your Needs

tick icon Works on displays of all sizes, so you can pick the one that is best for you
tick icon Pick your font size
tick icon Add advertising so that customers will order items you’re promoting
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Queue Display is Perfect for these Restaurant Types

Queue Display is Part of the Following Solutions

Restaurants Like Yours Love the Queue Display

Restaurants Like Yours Love the Queue Display

We have limited space at our storefront with the need to manage long queues during rush hour. A queue display hanging from the ceiling help us make sure customers will be able to know the latest queue status without taking too much of our space

- Kyoto Katsugyu, Hong Kong
- Kyoto Katsugyu, Hong Kong

Speed Up Your Queues Today!

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