5 Ridiculous, Odd and Weird Diet Trends of 2015
What were 2015’s oddest diet trends and do they work?

Raw Food Diet
This diet prohibits the consumption of any type of food that has been cooked or processed. The focus is on eating raw foods that retain their full nutrient amount and vitamin count. However, eating raw foods can often lead to people reverting back to their old diets with a gusto thanks to how long it takes to prep meals using raw foods. Besides, going this extreme is simply not sustainable for the average person.
Blood-Type Diet
This diet basically treats your blood type as the determining factor on what you should eat. Much like with horoscopes, this diet lumps large groups of people into a category and makes grand claims about what they should be doing. Now, not only is this diet relying on a concept that hasn’t been properly tested, but the diet can be downright restricting. [1]“For example, on the diet, those with type O blood are to eat lean meats, vegetables and fruits, and avoid wheat and dairy. Meanwhile, type A dieters go vegetarian, and those with type B blood are supposed to avoid chicken, corn, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds.”
Diet Bet Game
This method of dieting really has to be seen to be believed. It involves playing a game where you compete with others on reaching your dieting goals. What’s the motivation? Your own cash. That’s right, you can make bets with COMPLETE STRANGERS and get their hard-earned cash if you beat them based on your dieting goals. You can check out their website here: https://www.dietbet.com
Five-Bite Diet
As the title suggests, this is a diet that offers you the luxury of eating five bites of any food you want. That’s right, as long as you stick to only having five bites, you could be chowing down on a burger in the morning, pasta for lunch and pizza for dinner. Chances are, you’ll be wasting the majority of your food, but it’s worth it for five bites of bliss, right? Probably not. Unless you’re extremely motivated, being around such tempting foods can lead to massive cravings and who can really stop after just a few bites?
Sleep Diet
This is a strange one. Essentially, it involves sleeping more so that you eat less. More extreme followers of this diet actually drug themselves so that they are not awake for much of the day and sometimes even several days on end. It hardly seems like an ideal solution, but in theory, it does work. However, what’s the point when you’ll be losing muscle, alienating friends and substituting one poor lifestyle for another?
[1] https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/22/worst-fad-diets_n_5592013.html?slideshow=true#gallery/358413/2